3420 (Three for Twenty) is an instrumental bass trio that brings listeners through a continuous musical journey including instrumental improv blended with tasteful electronic genres all while maintaining their own organic style. They have the ability to cater to listeners spanning from Jam centric sets to fast selections & quick transitions with heavier undertones. They have secured their place in the Denver scene from which they hail from performing with a variety of Jam & Bass acts including Sunsquabi, K.L.O, Lotus, Michael Menert, Dirtwire, Lespecial, Dopapod, Clozee and more. 

Their use of ableton live as the engine to power the trios hybrid driving force of guitar, bass & drums accompanied by APC’s, midi fighters & midi guitars makes for a unique live experience. The ebb and flow of live instrumentation mixed with digital tools cater to a wide range of listeners combining elements of jazz, funk and electronica with bass music. This summer has been filled with the sounds of 3420 nationwide from a mainstage play at Sonic Bloom to Submersion (New Jersey), Féte Du Void (Louisiana), The Homie Collective Campout (Massachusetts) and their most recent home market play for an official Pretty Lights afterparty in Dillon, CO.

Upcoming Tour Dates:

The Rust Music Label